01926 484088
01926 484088
01926 484088
Phil Plowman
Managing Director
Mike Wigley
Company Secretary
Paul Nethercot
Operations Director
Andrew Monk
General & Commercial Manager
Phil Plowman and Mike Wigley launched Orchid Transport in 1988 after many years in the transport industry, and together with Paul Nethercot, they direct Orchid Customer Services.
We specialise in Full Load Container Haulage covering Southampton, Felixstowe, London Gateway and Seaforth.
In addition to our port transport services, we have localised vehicles to support our customers use of rail into Birmingham and West Midlands rail centres. We make considerable use of rail as appropriate and have committed rail space to and from the West Midlands. Our vehicles can be deployed across the U.K. from serviced ports.
Orchid Transport H.Q. and Midlands operations are in Kenilworth, Warwickshire near the hub of the U.K. motorway network and close to Birmingham. Divisional operations are based on Southampton, Felixstowe, London Gateway and Seaforth.